Have your own wall of Seltzers shipped directly to you from Buenos Aires! A Total of 72 Seltzers Bottles dating from 1915 to 1950, we create a great mix of colors and styles. Wall of 72 seltzer bottles: 8 graphics, 8 metal, 4 each of half-liter blue, red and yellow, 6 blue, 6 purple, 6 clear, 6 red, 6 green, 6 yellow and 8 one of a kinds. Originals from pre-1950s Argentina, the dates are stamped on the metal neck of most bottles. Red, yellow, blue and purple are orginal clear 1930s seltzers that have been hand-dipped in our Buenos Aires restoration factory. The half-liter gems are molded from the original 1940s cast found in an old seltzer factory in Argentina. Please note: Image is for illustrative purposes.
Tag :
Soda bottles
Local 149
Old soda syphons
Vintage soda syphons
Antique soda syphons
Vintage soda siphons
Red seltzer bottle
metal soda syphon
colored soda syphons
Argentine Soda syphon
Argentina Soda syphons
Metal soda siphon
Argentine Soda siphon
Argentina Soda siphons
Antique soda siphons
Colored soda siphons
Old soda siphons
Vintage seltzer pendant light
Seltzer wine chiller
Seltzer holder
Seltzer bottle wine chiller
Argentine seltzer bottles
Argentina seltzer bottles
Seltzer pendant light
Seltzer bottle lighting
Seltzer light
Yellow seltzer bottle
Purple seltzer bottle
Metal seltzer bottle
colored seltzer bottles
Colored seltzer bottle
Raymonds NJ
Repurposed luminaires
seltzer interior design
interior design with seltzer
- 4.5" in diameter x 12" each
